Monday, February 23, 2009
11:27 PM

ALRIGHT! after the long hours of sitting infront of the lappy cracking my brain and painstakingly flipping to and fro internet explorer and mozilla, preview and template, books and google, here it is! jackroversfc.blogspot version 2.1! a few new/additonal and exciting features are
-a new place for pictures!
-classified photographs and media segment
-a "back to top" link everywhere
-a bigger default font size for everyone's ease
-default line height for everyone's ease
-players' profiles on the blog
-improved post title and date so that it outstands more
-standardised page headers
-bigger font size and wider width for tagboard
-colour-syncronised scrollbars
-line divider for much ease of reading
-comments in html codings for easy reference

now! the rest of the parts depends on you! yes you jackies! we'll have to carry out a photog session to get ourselves a standard photo both individuals and group! i'll also need you to think about what you wanna say about yourself. these infos will go to the "team" tab (player profile) and also "pictures" tab. your picture will replace the current polka dot image you see on the profile list. those very very very inconsiderate ones will be.... you know what can happen dont you.

i've tried my best but there a few things yet to be made proper. the problems are..
for mozilla, the things that i dont want is the
-pathetic space below the footer
-back to top link will bring you to the logo and not the navigations
as for IE,
-the page title kept changing

now you can blog with much ease (compared to last time). until the next time that im gonna be damm free, this is what i'll leave you. toodles!

dozing off,
-bboy dok!



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